Adventures in Poetry

I have been granted a challenge,
in honor of Poetry Month,
to try and compose,
something different than rambling prose.

I don’t claim to be a poet,
but occasionally I like to try.
Sometimes the words will flow,
and the ideas will grow,
and I find myself enmeshed,
in the medium that works best,
to convey the scattered thoughts,
passing images.
Music without notes,
with space for dreams to fill.

As a child I thought,
all poems ought,
to do their best,
to reach and wrest,
to speak of dreams,
and flowery things.

I stretched my brain,
feeling half insane,
to find the words,
sometimes absurd,
to make the rhyme,
every time.

As time went on,
(the rhyming not quite gone),
I spread my wings,
and tried new things.
Exploring the ways,
I could alter a phrase,
in ways to convey,
what I was trying to say.

It is still a challenge,
to write this way.
But I have had to learn,
that some story yearn,
to be heard and seen,
in a way reflective,
of their true being.

Some stories must be told,
with lots of prose.
and many scenes.

But just the same,
some long to be portrayed,
with deceptively simple,
poetical phrase.

Picture by me.
Seagulls on the Coast

89 thoughts on “Adventures in Poetry

    1. Whenever I start writing poetry I find myself having to consciously remind myself that it doesn’t have to rhyme. But.. Dr. Seuss was the earliest poet I was exposed to, and something about that just ingrains itself in you.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Lovely. And witty too.
    I like how you mentioned Dr. Seuss above in a comment. So many people are “scared” of poetry, and don’t realize they grew up reading it. Shel Silverstein sparked my love.
    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed; well deserved. – Christy


    1. I’m one of those ones who is sometimes scared by poetry — but, as you said, so many of those early-writers that I read and adored were writing poetry. It’s sad that so much is done around poetry that can elevate it to this idea of being something very elite and esoteric… when it can be very down-to-earth and real (and fun!)
      Thank you!


    1. Good question… I’m always curious about how long it takes people to complete writing projects too.
      Of course, it’s one of those questions that is often hard to answer. I did not just sit down and write it out (very few things that I write come out in just one sitting), but it was worked on in bits and pieces over a day or two. I had a few phrases that came to me, that I knew I wanted to conclude — and the concept came pretty quickly. But then I worked on phrases, and the order of things, in bits and pieces until is seemed to work.
      And since it was a poem, and not my normal medium, and I figured it was just going to be another blog-post that a handful of people read, I didn’t put as much time into it as I probably would have if I were putting up some of my fiction.
      Talk about a good lesson in the power of ignoring your inner editor and trusting your gut!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Whenever I fill out a medical form I put Dr Suess as my Doctor, no one has ever questioned this…it’s cool to blend the rhyme with prose and pause bits, look forward to reading more, have fun with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Woww.. love poetry much… thank you for sharing
    hmm.. thinking about how to tell all the journey in poetry..
    how lucky you are to be featured in Freshly Pressed..
    Wonder when it comes to me.. haha

    Please visit my blog to know more about my journey

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! You should take a look at my post “Finding Poetry”… I don’t really know much about poetry either! And honestly, I think more of us who don’t really “know about it,” who haven’t studied it, should start reading and writing it more. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well yes I would agree with you and will look and as a matter of fact I wrote a piece just yesterday, if you can have a look, it would be great , thanks

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh! I would love to hear it as a song. Some of the other poetry I have written is actually song lyrics… mostly ballad-like, or funny songs that are sung by one of the cultures in one of the fantasy-story-worlds I’ve created.


  4. That is a very beautiful and creative poem!! I love your title, “Adventures in Poetry..” That really caught my eye so that I stopped here to read it. And your pictures are beautiful too.

    Liked by 1 person

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