#BannedBooksWeek – Drag Queen Story Hour

There was a definite theme this year with the books that were banned and challenged, that being that they included LGBTQIA* content. This did not limit itself to just books either. Libraries faced challenges to their space usage as well. The ALA's notes this pattern: As libraries work to become centers of tolerance and inclusion … Continue reading #BannedBooksWeek – Drag Queen Story Hour

#BannedBooksWeek – SkippyJon Jones and challenges that can start important conversations

Book # 8 on the list brings up some very interesting questions. Skippyjon Jones is a popular children's book which features a Siamese cat who looks different from his family and thinks he is a Chihuahua. The reason behind this series making the list is that it has been challenged for "depicting stereotypes of Mexican … Continue reading #BannedBooksWeek – SkippyJon Jones and challenges that can start important conversations

#BannedBooksWeek – Why Is It Important?

Why do we celebrate Banned Books Week? For me it is certainly tied to the theme of this years celebration "Censorship Leaves Us In The Dark." It is interesting to look at the books which have drawn the most attention in a year, and to see the way that certain trends we're seeing in larger … Continue reading #BannedBooksWeek – Why Is It Important?