Celebrate The Small Things : Liebster Award!

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebration time! Today is Celebrate the Small Things Friday.  Hosted by Lexa Cain, L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge, and Katie of The Cyborg Mom, Celebrate the Small Things is a time when we all take a moment to celebrate something good from our week.  It can be small, it can be big, just something to look back on the week and celebrate!

Today I celebrate Friday, yet again! I’m so glad that this falls on Friday, I always have something to celebrate 🙂

This week I also celebrate that BookBug nominated me for a Liebster Award!  I always am honored by such awards, it’s cool to be recognized by my fellow bloggers 🙂

This particular one asks for 11 random facts about myself. Answer 11 questions, and ask 11 questions for others to answer.

My 11 answers:

  1. Mountain or Sea.   I refuse to answer this question.  I want mountains that run to the sea. Spoiled Oregonian that I am.
  2. Walk or Bike.  Walk, I want to say Bike, but my recent bike encounters have taught me that I am not yet up to biking.
  3. Sweet or Salty.  Sweet.
  4. Hot and Humid, or Warm and Breezy.  Warm and Breezy.
  5. Beer or Wine. Wine
  6. Airplane or Car. Car (with someone else driving)
  7. City or Farm.  I like both, in their own unique ways.
  8. Ice Cream or Sherbert.  Ice Cream
  9. Mystery or Romance.  Romance
  10. Sunbathing or Hiking.  Hiking.
  11. Hard Cover or Paperback.  Hard Cover

My 11 Random Facts:

  1. I really dislike talking on the phone.
  2. I have a bit of an obsession with the clouds and sky.
  3. I’m 1/4 Polish, and a mix of all sorts of other heritage.
  4. At least one of my ancestors was a poet.
  5. My favorite poem of his is one where he mocks the religion I grew up in.
  6. I love going to old graveyards
  7. I cannot tan. Pale, less pale, and burned are my options.
  8. I get ridiculously excited when I get a new pretty dress.
  9. I almost never wear jeans or slacks, always skirts and dresses.
  10. I don’t actually like the taste of coffee,  despite the amount of I drink of it.
  11. My favorite books are still picture books.

My 11 questions:  These are normally for nominees to answer.. I nominate ALL of you so, answer away!

  1. Lakes or Ocean?
  2. Large party or small gathering?
  3. Phone Call or texting?
  4. Spring or fall?
  5. Tea or Coffee?
  6. Pen or Pencil?
  7. Favorite Genre of Music?
  8. Wildflowers or Roses?
  9. Favorite beverage?
  10. Somewhere you’ve been a “regular”
  11. One thing you “geek out” about.

18 thoughts on “Celebrate The Small Things : Liebster Award!

        1. True. For me silly can be a very good thing 🙂 I do feel a little bad for not designating other bloggers to get the award, but I can never figure out who to pick.. so many great bloggers!

          Liked by 1 person

  1. To answer a few of your questions: ocean. Small gathering. Texting. Fall. Tea. Pen. Roses.

    Hi Alli, Good to meet you. Your writeup intimidated me the first few times I stopped by your site (and didn’t comment), but upon truly taking it in, I see we have some things in common. I’m a former children’s librarian (who’s read countless children’s books) and you like to read children’s books. I love to read literary fiction, as you obviously do too. That said, I also love to read inspirational romance and am trying to break into that market. It’s a bigger market. Are you writing for the literary market?


    1. Other than the tea, and roses, I’d have the same answers for those too 🙂
      Intimidating? Me?! Wow… don’t be intimidated, please, I’m just finding my way around! I’m glad you did comment! Librarians are some of my favorite people (you guys are amazing!). I really credit the librarian at my elementary school for helping to form me into the reader I am today.
      I’ve been trying to read more classics and literary fiction, but I also read a (heavy!) dose of lighter reading, especially YA books. I worked for many years in childcare, so got a lot of Children’s book reading done and I just adore them 🙂
      I would LOVE to write a literary piece — that is kind of my ultimate goal, I guess, but what I mostly write these days is Fantasy. I’m still working on the draft of my first novel, just starting to dip my toe into the industry and figure out what I even need to figure out!
      Thanks so much for stopping by!


  2. I’m just like you! I’d have picked the same answers to all (and honestly, who’d choose “Hot and Humid” anyway?) Congrats on your award. I have 2 non-fic authors in the family, cannot tan, and love to visit old graveyards too! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on the award! I think blog awards are fun, and I enjoy reading the facts and learning more about the people behind the blogs. I agree with a lot of your answers. I definitely agree with Facts #1 and #6. Congrats on having a poet in the family! To answer your questions: ocean, small gatherings, neither, spring, neither, pen, pop rock, wildflowers, milk, the grocery store, and anything Tolkien. 🙂


    1. No coffee or tea? *blinks confused* there are other things to drink? Milk? Milk 🙂 For some reason I’ve only ever liked milk when it’s flavored… I blame the ridiculously rampant sweet-tooth I have.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My daughter is like that. She’ll only drink chocolate milk. I tried coffee once when I was much younger and it made me sick. Now I don’t even like the smell of it. And tea never did anything for me. I can drink it, but it’s just meh.


  4. Wonderful small things 🙂 Great answers to the questions and tidbits about yourself. I will answer your questions here 😀

    1. The Ocean! I have an affinity with her 🙂
    2. Definitely small gatherings
    3. Neither! I hate talking on the phone and I don’t own a cellphone, so no texting.. thankfully!
    4. Fall — will everything else is dying, I come alive 🙂
    5. Tea AND Coffee… I enjoy both for different reasons and all year long
    6. Pen, definitely… I have an extensive collection 🙂
    7. Heavy metal *grins*
    8. Wildflowers! I love the way they smell… I prefer to watch roses die *blinks*
    9. Oooo… nowhere in a very long time.. used to be a regular at this great coffee shop in Roanoke VA where we did stand up spoken word and poetry slam contests
    10. my inner geek is attracted to Spence on Criminal Minds and Sheldon on Big Bang Theory… I also love any shows with science in it… hmmmm… is that geeky or nerdy?


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