Disparate Threads – Discovery

This is the next installment of Disparate Threads, a Fantasy-Fiction Blog-Serial that updates twice weekly.  To read the story from the beginning (and to learn more about the world and the characters) check out Disparate Threads.

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Ayrella stared out over the sky and water, as she now did every day. It had become routine for her to spend time out in the meadow, searching and listening, seeking out guidance and watching for signs. Still, no one was sure why or how the Three were so important, or exactly how they would fight the growing danger. For that matter, no one knew just what the growing danger was or where it came from.

Every day she met with one Revered or another, visiting their homes, having them over for tea, stopping to visit in the street. She would ask questions about the changes they saw and heard about in the Realms, the people they observed. Searching for clues, hints, anything that might give her a guide. They began to understand that none of the Three they were seeking seemed to worship the Revered, at least not directly — if they did it would have been much easier to find them, as everyone Ayrella spoke to seemed still able to see the mortals who paid them homage.

Kirshenelle seemed the most likely Realm for the Three to be found in. No one could understand it as anything more than a vague sense, but as Hitanik had happily explained, Kirshenelle was a Realm which had always been somewhat different than the others. It was a place where the lines of magic flowed more freely; though largely untapped they could be seen everywhere, by those who knew how to look. Kirshenelle was also the one place that seemed to see the most traffic between different Realms. While [Read More]

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