#WeekendCoffeeShare : Time for the Word War.

Join us for some coffee time!Weekend Coffee Share is a time for us to take a break out of our lives and enjoy some time catching up with friends (old and new)!
Grab a cup of coffee and share with us! What’s been going on in your life? What are your weekend plans? Is there a topic you’ve just been ruminating on that you want to talk about?
All are welcome! Just add your link to the Linky-List, and be sure to visit others and join in their conversations! The link will be open from Friday November 16th at 7am (Pacific Time) until Monday November 19th at 7pm (Pacific Time) to give us a good range of “weekend”!

If you are unable to post your site into the link-up for any reason feel free to drop it into the comments and I will do my best to add you to the linkup!

Happy Weekend!

I have NOTHING on my schedule this weekend, and I’m very happy about that. I have an optional thing on Sunday, and I think I’m going to try and push myself to go to it, because I know I’ll enjoy it when I get there.

Other than that I am planning to get more cleaning done. I need to dig out some of the piles in my room, sort it out a bit, and make some space. If I keep plugging away, getting a little done each weekend, I’ll eventually get it all sorted. My goal is to have my room in the shape and state I would like (given the space/finance restrictions that I am working under) by the start of 2019. This means some purging of items, some real intentional thinking about what to keep and what it’s time to let go of. And then, then figuring out how to best store/arrange those things I am keeping.

The optional thing on Sunday is a “Word War” for NaNoWriMo. I’ve had to let NaNo slide this year, there’s just been too much on my plate and health-issues have been getting in the way. But the Word War should be fun, and a good way to at least get SOME writing done. Basically everyone in my region is going to pick one of two libraries to be at, and then we’ll have a competition between the two libraries for who can get the most words written in the set amount of time. This was one of the two events I was really excited about when I looked at the NaNo schedule this year, back when I thought I’d have more success at it. The other one I didn’t end up making it to… so….

When I’ve participated in NaNo in the past I’ve always had good success in word-sprints – there’s something about the small amount of immediate competition that helps push me past any blocks. Usually it’s just competition with myself, can I get more words than I did in the last sprint? I think adding the element of competing against other NaNo-ers (but on a group level) will help me a bit. I have no expectations to meet the ultimate NaNo goal this year, nowhere near, but I would like to get something written – no matter how useless those words might be.

Next week is a very short one for me – I have Wednesday off for the start of my tooth-implant surgery, and then Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. Most of my family will be gathering up at my brothers house for the holiday, so I’m going to enjoy some time to myself in the house for a few days as I recover and rest. Although, the dentist I spoke to most recently made it sound like I might not really need much in the way of recovery time anyhow so we’ll see how much resting needs to happen.

What are you up to this weekend? Do you have any plans next week?

15 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare : Time for the Word War.

  1. Don’t we all need those weekends without a lot of plans every once in a while? It sounds pretty perfect to me. Enjoy!


  2. The Word War sounds amazing. I’m amazed at how that can be organized. Good luck with the tooth. I hope it does no dampen Thanksgiving celebrations.


  3. Good luck with that operation. Hopefully, you’ll be able to join your family in Thanksgiving fun (except if you are looking forward to having a weekend by yourself of course).


  4. Oddly enough, I was just posting about how happy I was to have a schedule free day too! I do have plans to go out Sunday with a friend to see a movie. I hope your writing activity goes well. It does sound like a great way to motivate and get past the writing blocks that happen to us all! Happy Thanksgiving and good luck with your dental work.


  5. Down time this weekend sounds great. Enjoy! Yesterday I went to see The Eagle Huntress (2015) with two friends. I love that movie (it was my second viewing). The young girl in the documentary has such a quiet strength about her. Real girl power “shero”, while humble and giggly too. : )


  6. I only tried NaNoWriMo once and it nearly killed me. I travelled to France, became ill with pneumonia but would not let go. Fortunately I had some great NoNo buddies who supported me. I did complete the challenge and the book remains untouched since 2012.

    I like the idea of a coffee share. Will pop by next week.

    Liked by 1 person

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