#WeekendCoffeeShare : Whirlwind Weekend, now, rest.

Weekend Coffee Share is a time for us to take a break out of our lives and enjoy some time catching up with friends (old and new)!

Grab a cup of coffee and share with us! What’s been going on in your life? What are your weekend plans? Is there a topic you’ve just been ruminating on that you want to talk about?

All are welcome! Just add your link to the Linky-List, and be sure to visit others and join in their conversations! The link will be open from Friday July 27th at 7am (Pacific Time) until Monday July 30th at 7pm (Pacific Time) to give us a good range of “weekend”!

If you are unable to post your site into the link-up for any reason feel free to drop it into the comments and I will do my best to add you to the linkup!


Last weekend was pretty crazy! Friday nights venture to find doughnuts ended up being an entire food outing – venturing from one place to another following the cravings of my friend. Altogether a fun time, though it was a fair amount later a night than I had expected!

Rolled Ice Cream – made right before our eyes!
The Ice Cream, ready to eat!

Saturday morning I met up with a friend for breakfast, another friend for lunch, and then to the theater to see a staging of CHESS with other friends (followed by a late dinner).

The stage, ready for CHESS to start.

Going going going.

Sunday I crashed. Slept for large portions of the day, but also did some necessary cooking.

This week has mostly consisted of trying to keep myself awake through work, lots of early bedtimes. I’ve been taking care of my mom’s dog, so my schedule has been out of whack and I’ve not really been up to doing much other than the basics of work and sleep.

This weekend is a continuation of the week, really. I need to recover some sleep, get some down time. Hopefully I can manage to keep the weekend stay that way!
What have you been up to this week? What is coming this weekend?

8 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare : Whirlwind Weekend, now, rest.

  1. It sounds great! Ordinary, and safe, in a good way. It’s been like the worst week of my life since last weekend. I’m usually a positive person, as you know, but this week have been form hell. Starting with the yellow jackets stings on Sunday, and a allergic reaction, and now the raging Carr Fire. It’s a little too much if you ask me. I promise I’ll try to keep it on a more positive note next week. What kind of dog does you mom have?


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