#WeekendCoffeeShare: Recovering Still

Weekend Coffee Share is a time for us to take a break out of our lives and enjoy some time catching up with friends (old and new)!
Grab a cup of coffee and share with us! What’s been going on in your life? What are your weekend plans? Is there a topic you’ve just been ruminating on that you want to talk about?
All are welcome! Just add your link to the Linky-List, and be sure to visit others and join in their conversations! The link will be open from April 26th at 7am (Pacific Time) until Monday April 29rd at 7pm (Pacific Time) to give us a good range of “weekend”!

If we were having coffee I’d be on the quiet side of things. I’m still in surgery recovery – need to keep off my foot for about another week before I can start putting minimal weight on it. The surgeries went well, and I am healing well, but it’s going to take a while to heal up entirely.

I’ve had a number of friends stop by to keep me company, which has been nice, but definitely takes some more energy than I’d expected. One of my friends stayed a few days as she was on her way to her summer gig (she works as a seasonal employee for the National Parks Service and the National Forest Service).

It was great to see her, but now I am super-sleepy.

I’m looking forward to participating in Dewey’s 24-hour readathon this weekend. I’ll be doing some reading, trying to get through a few books… and then next week (while I continue to sit around with my foot up) I hope to write a bit about what I’ve been reading and get some updates in order.

How are you doing? What have you been up to?

13 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: Recovering Still

  1. It’s a wonderful thing that you’re on your way to recovery! If you had to pick one of the books you’ve been reading while on bed rest, which one is the absolute best one? I’m reading “The last cowgirl” right now. It’s slightly sarcastic, and very emotional at the same time. I’ve read a little more than half of it, and I would read it without stopping for food, or anything, if I only had me to think about. It’s a great book! I found it at a thrift store. I hope you feel stronger than ever before, sooner than later 🙂 Thank you for the coffee!


  2. Pingback: Weekend Coffee Share – NorCal Zen
  3. Being laid up isn’t as easy or as relaxing as it sounds, I’m sure, but try to rest and take care of yourself the best you can okay? Thanks for the coffee!


  4. Glad to hear you are on your way to recovery. I will be back on track with weekend Coffee share next week since the A_Z challenge is over.


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