Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Would be on the Syllabus for Children’s Literature on the Holocaust 101

Every week The Broke and the Bookish  hosts the “Top Ten Tuesdays” a great blog-hop for readers to reflect on their “Top Ten”

toptentuesdayTop Ten Books that would be on your syllabus for ______ 101.

I’m raiding my undergraduate thesis for this one…  I struggled so very much to figure out what I would pick because there is a part of me that is an educator and I most certainly overthought it… And then I decided to go with one of the lists I’d already come up with!

It’s been a while since my undergraduate years, so it’s also a little of a flashback to 2003 since there may be some changes if I were to redo this list now…

  1. Night, by Elie Wiesel.
  2. The Cage, by Ruth Minsky Sender.
  3. Frederich, by Hans Peter Richter.
  4. I Was There, by Hans Peter Richter.
  5. The Upstairs Room, by Johanna Reiss.
  6. Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry.
  7. Journey to America, by Sonia Levitin.
  8. Touch Wood: A Girlhood in Occupied France, by Renee Roth-Hano.
  9. Hide and Seek. By Ida Vos.
  10. The Devil’s Arithmetic. by Jane Yolen.

What would be on your list?

10 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Would be on the Syllabus for Children’s Literature on the Holocaust 101

  1. I saw “children’s lit on the Holocaust” and immediately thought of Number The Stars, one of my favorite books of all time. I never got to read Night (because AP curriculum…apparently Night was below us??) but I should do it on my own time.


    1. You should.. it’s powerful!
      To be honest, my “Children’s Lit on the Holocaust” is a MUCH longer list… probably should put it together at some point. (Part of my undergrad thesis was “Children’s Experiences in the Holocaust” so, yeah, lots.)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll have to get the list together… there are so many different ones (and the Broke and Bookish prompts for the next few weeks aren’t peaking my interests so much so.. perhaps I’ll have another holocaust-related list next week!)


  2. I would maybe add Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada? The memoir Between Gods by Alison Pick might also be worth reading. Many of Pick’s paternal family were murdered in the Holocaust and when they emigrated they converted to Christianity to hide their identity. The memoir talks about Pick discovering her heritage and how she comes to terms with not being brought up Jewish as she should have been. Have you read Maus too? I was thinking about reading it but I’m not quite sure.


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