If We Were Having Coffee…. A to Z Madness!

coffee2If we were having coffee I’d offer to make you an espresso with the new beans I just got.  Honey-processed — they make excellent coffee!  Or, you know, I can make some drip coffee, or some tea, or maybe some cocoa?  Take your pick.

I’d probably be a bit bleary eyed, despite being on my second or third cup.  I’ve been training in my new job this week, and it’s been a bit more exhausting than I expected.  I also decided to go out both Monday night (for some writing time) and Tuesday night (for a movie), which was not a good idea.  I need to get more sleep… and despite the fact that the new job allows me to sleep in a bit longer, I seem to be more exhausted.  Think I’m fighting a bit of a bug as well, yes, that’s it…

I’d tell you I had fun with the Taliana event — which will finish up tomorrow morning.  It was really fun to collaborate with friends and fellow bloggers on so many of the posts, though I think in the future I wont be running an event for her in the spring like this… it’s too hard with A to Z (though, getting her story to fit for A, B, C, and D was fun!)

I’m looking forward to the rest of the month, with my guest-posters (including my super-special ones! They’re all special, but I’m particularly excited that the authors of “J,” “S,” and “U” agreed to participate!)

I can’t even remember what else I was going to say.  There was likely more, and I seem to recall early in the week really looking forward to our coffee time together to tell you something, but I can’t remember what that was anymore… so I’d instead settle back and ask you how your week has been?


Today’s post is a part of the Weekend Coffee Share, graciously hosted by Part Time Monster every weekend! A time for us to come together, share a cup of coffee (or our beverage of choice) to share some of what is going on in our lives.  It’s a lovely check-in tim

11 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee…. A to Z Madness!

  1. I’m having a great time reading bunches of A to Z blogs! It’s been a busy week as I prepare to go out of town…trying to get work done in the garden and on the novel, all while looking at tons of blogs. It’s a lot of fun! Happy weekend! http://nadinefeldman.com


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