The One Lovely Blog Award

Kryosmagica nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award.  I know these things are kind of like the chain-letters of blogs, but I am honored to be nominated for one anyhow!  This is my first community-based award, thank you Kryosmagica!


So, the rules of the award:

The rules for this award are the following:

1. Thank the person nominating you and link back to them in your post

2. Share seven things about yourself

3. Nominate fifteen or so bloggers you admire

4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know

Seven things about me:

1) Until Kindergarten I had short hair, no longer than my chin.  Then I decided it looked silly when I hung upside down on the monkey-bars, so started to grow it out.  Even though my upside-down monkey-bar hanging days are long gone, my hair is still long.

2) My favorite candy is Skittles.  Really, what isn’t to like about them?  They’re sweet, and fruity, and yum.  A close runner-up is peanut butter M&M’s.

3) I have written two extensive thesis papers, both of which are bound and in library collections.  They were completed 10 years apart, and there is one name (other than my own) that appears in both.  Which tells me I have an awesome super-amazing friend who has supported me through two hellish writing-times.  (And I’ll have to figure out how to get that same support as I work on my next thesis and am not living on the same campus/under the same roof this time).

4) I was in Girl Scouts a year longer than you’re technically supposed to be.  I joined a year early, and remained affiliated through my Senior year of High School.  I partnered with my little sisters troop for a few years, in order to still sell cookies (boy were those popular in high school!) and I got to attend a Leadership School in New York at one point.  I never did get my gold award though, and for the last few years I was an independent scout – meaning I had no troop.  But I loved my time in Scouts.

5) I once went camping with an injured coccyx.  It was up to Baxter State Park (though not the trip I wrote about), so involved quite a long drive, some of it over rugged roads.  I slept on a hard-wood floor of the lean-to, and was unable to do much hiking (though, I did a little).  It was painful, but the park is so beautiful I’m glad that I went!

6) I have a wee-bit of an addiction to office supplies.  It isn’t as strong as my devotion to books but… I have a hard time passing up a new notebook (even if it doesn’t have a fancy cover) and am picky about my pens…. and sticky notes, oooh, or even binder clips… Hmm….

7)  In the average week, I spend 10 hours on the bus.

Bonus: 8) I am so terrible at coming up with things to say about myself that I outsourced a bit and asked my friends on Facebook to help me come up with random facts about myself.  The last three were suggested by: the mom of my best-friend from elementary school; a good friend I’ve known for nearly 10 years that introduced me to Baxter Park, and a colleague and friend from my years as a Religious Educator.  One of the things I love about the internet is how it connects me to people — and allows me to reconnect with people.

Okay, nominating bloggers…My turn to pass the award 🙂  I wont have fifteen…but here are a handful of my favorites.  If you want to follow the “rules” of the reward feel free, if you don’t, that’s fine too!  But I want to link to these blogs, because they are awesome.

Raevenly Writes

Meredith’s Musings

Writing Tutor Tips

Rose B. Fischer

Silvia Writes 

Oscar Hokeah


Love Support Educate Advocate Accept

Becky G? Oh, That’s Me!

Just Get It Written


9 thoughts on “The One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Congrats and thanks for the nomination! I enjoyed reading the random facts about you. Didn’t even know it’s possible to stay longer in the Girl Scouts than you are supposed to. 😀


    1. More a matter of starting early 🙂 I believe we had friends who had a troop and were willing to let me join for an extra year of Daisy’s… maybe it means I’ve always been trying to be ahead of myself?


  2. Thank you very much for this honor. I will put the post together as soon as I get a few other posts out of the way. Fun reading more about you. 10 hours on the bus … wow. Well, take heart, I drive A LOT. 🙂


    1. Take your time!
      I figure the bus is a trade-off. I currently live about an hour bus-ride away from work (hour and a half if you count the waiting times). So, an hour in, and an hour out. But – it means I can get lots of reading done! If I were driving it would cost me more money, and I’d be able to do little other than drive.


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