#WeekendCoffeeShare : Return to the 80s!

Join us for some coffee time!Weekend Coffee Share is a time for us to take a break out of our lives and enjoy some time catching up with friends (old and new)!
Grab a cup of coffee and share with us! What’s been going on in your life? What are your weekend plans? Is there a topic you’ve just been ruminating on that you want to talk about?
All are welcome! Just add your link to the Linky-List, and be sure to visit others and join in their conversations! The link will be open from Friday October 12th at 7am (Pacific Time) until Monday October 15th at 7pm (Pacific Time) to give us a good range of “weekend”!

If you are unable to post your site into the link-up for any reason feel free to drop it into the comments and I will do my best to add you to the linkup!

If we were having coffee I’d ask how you were doing this week? I’m doing okay – actually pretty excited about my weekend plans. There’s this part on Saturday night that has been on my schedule for… I think a few months now, actually! It’s a friend’s birthday party, and it’s an 80’s prom murder mystery party! I’ve wanted to do a Murder Mystery party for quite some time now, so I’m excited about that! And the 80’s prom theme is just a fun addition to it all.

Last weekend I went to Goodwill and found a PERFECT dress for the event. Well, except for the fact that it was about 10 sizes too small… but that’s where some creative sewing comes into play. Hopefully I won’t be spending Friday night putting the finishing touches on it, but it certainly wouldn’t be the first (nor the last) time that last minute costume-work is happening so close to the wire. If I’m being completely honest, the only reason I’ll not be finishing it up day-of (hopefully) is because I have something else going on that morning!

My other thing this weekend, Saturday morning, is a meet-up with my local Buy Nothing group. This is a spectacular group – I highly recommend trying to connect with one in your area! The meet up we’re having is a “junk in your trunk” gathering. There’ll be a potluck element (which I keep forgetting about…. MUST. REMEMBER. FOOD.) but I’m most looking forward to the chance to get to know some of the other people in my Buy Nothing group, and possibly hand off some of those things I don’t use anymore in order to someone who can put them to use!

With so much happening on Saturday I’m going to be laying low on Sunday in order to recoup. I have a feeling that I’ll need it!

What do you have coming up?

25 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare : Return to the 80s!

  1. That sounds like an awesome weekend!! I hope your costume turned out great. The buy nothing group sounds intersting. I’d love to hear more about that. I’m something of a minimalist myself, I love buying things second hand, bartering, and getting rid of things I no longer use.


  2. What a fun idea for a party!! Love the Buy Nothing idea.. There are several in Michigan but not in my area.. Have a great weekend!


  3. A close friend tells the story about a dinner party he and his wife threw and paid for an MM company to be the chefs and servers as a surprise adventure for everyone. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time but when the servers began arguing and things got heated, and the lights failed as the (blank) shots went off, one of their guests did not get that it was all for show and jumped, to escape the action, through their living room window down to the front lawn, where thankfully he was not injured.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Here in Madison I’m on a Freecycle listserve, which I love. It is a worldwide organization with local chapters. https://www.freecycle.org/ When I want to give away plants, toys, clothes, etc., I post them as an Offer on the listserve. Then people email me through my Freecycle account (which keeps my email private) if they’d like the item. Sounds similar to a Buy Nothing group too. : ) Rebecca

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’d love to hear how your 80’s Prom themed Murder Mystery party went. What a creative event! I used to belong to a Simple Living group and paring down on belongings was one theme we adopted and discussed.


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