#WeekendCoffeeShare – Sick Week :(

wordswag_15073188796611453091488.pngWeekend Coffee Share is a time for us to take a break out of our lives and enjoy some time catching up with friends (old and new)!
Grab a cup of coffee and share with us! What’s been going on in your life? What are your weekend plans? Is there a topic you’ve just been ruminating on that you want to talk about?
All are welcome! Just add your link to the Linky-List, and be sure to visit others and join in their conversations! The link will be open from February 2 at 7 am (Pacific Time) until Monday February 5th at 7 pm (Pacific Time) to give us a good range of “weekend”!

Ack! Sorry guys – this week ran away from me. I was sick for the start of it, and completely lost track of the days. Kind of forgot it was Friday today until I was sitting on the bus on my way into work today and realized that I didn’t have a Coffee Share Post written yet!  So, here I am, trying to grab a quick cup of coffee with you all before my work-day starts.

Other than being sick this week there wasn’t a whole lot going on. A most-of-the-day training at work on Thursday, and trying to get some crocheting done on the Mystery Crochet I’ve been working on. I kind of messed up a lot on the first part, but have made it work and am cruising along on the second part now.  I’d share a picture of my progress, but I forgot it at home –so pictures will have to wait for Instagram.  I promise I’ll share a picture here next weekend – when I’ll hopefully have made some progress on the third clue!

This weekend is going to be fun. I’m taking the Midnight Monster to the vet (not a fun part of the weekend, though I think I might be able to trick him into his crate with minimal injury to myself), then I’m getting together with my Dad and Step-Mom for the afternoon. Not sure what we’ll be up to, but it’s always nice to get together with them when they’re in town.

Sunday I have some work in the morning, but then I am going to a friends where (if she’s interested and up for it) I’ll get a fabulous hair-style done by my favorite 9-year-old. If she’s not up for it then I’ll just get to have a fun time playing with the family and having a good time until my friend and I head out to another friends Birthday Celebration. Harry Potter Themed – there is promise of Butter-Beer (soda), wands, Quiddich, and sorting-cupcakes. It should be a lot of fun.

I hear tell that there’s this big old sports-ball game happening on Sunday (and having lived in Patriot’s Country for about a decade, I see a LOT of mention of it online from friends), but I am very much not a fan. Not even into the commercials (though I did enjoy them when I was a kid). So spending the day away from media will be pretty nice. I hope everyone who is celebrating the game does so responsibly though.

Okay, time to start gearing up to get to work here.  How was your week?  What’s your weekend looking like?  Do you participate in the Sunday madness?

28 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – Sick Week :(

  1. I am happy you are feeling better. So many people have been sick this winter. This bug is a nasty one for sure. My sympathies for having to put up with the Patriots madness. 🙂


  2. Hope you’re feeling better. My week wasn’t all that exciting, aside from my daughter starting high school, which will be exciting in hindsight but I was quite anxious hoping we had everything organized. So far so good. We had a quiet weekend and I’ve needed a lot of sleep. Hopefully, oneday I’ll get out on the town again. It’s been awhile.
    xx Rowena


    1. Starting High School! That is a pretty big deal, but I can see the moment itself being more mired in anxiety than anything else.
      Honestly, getting out on the town is over-rated. Part of the reason I really enjoyed the party was that it was pretty small, so I got to actually hang out and visit with my friends 🙂
      Yup, pretty much a homebody.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t had my fix for awhile plus the cough was hanging round for around 6 months so I’m feeling like breaking out in some way. I often go on an excursion or drive to relieve the itchy feet. Haven’t been into Sydney for quite awhile either and need to get another dose.
        xx Rowena


  3. Hope you are feeling better! My week wasn’t very exciting, but I managed not to get sick myself. I work with kids and with over 100 other adults who also work with kids, so it isn’t easy. I’ll be skipping the big sports thing too. I’m not very interested anyway, but even if I was the whole traumatic brain injury thing really make me uncomfortable. Still, I wish both teams luck, and every one a safe celebration. Thanks for hosting!


    1. Not getting sick when you work around those many germs is pretty impressive! Well done!
      Yeah, I don’t understand how people can put aside the reality of the concussions and brain injury for a stupid game. There are other – less damaging – ways we could have excuses to come together for celebrations and fun.


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