Celebrate Sunshine and Stories!

Today I am celebrating the beautiful sunshine! I know it is not here for long, with rain in the forecast (which we do need, so it’s good…) so I’m trying to enjoy while I can.
I’m also celebrating another great week of A to Z! It’s been wonderful to get to share some stories, and to get to read a bunch of awesome posts by others!
And, finally, I am celebrating my first guest post! Over at Unconventional Librarian I share some thoughts on Island of The Blue Dolphin, by Scott O’Dell.
Pay a visit! She’s been sharing a whole array of great kids books with diverse characters!

Today is Celebrate the Small Things Friday.  Hosted by Lexa Cain, L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge, and Katie of The Cyborg Mom, Celebrate the Small Things is a time when we all take a moment to celebrate something good from our week.  It can be small, it can be big, just something to look back on the week and celebrate!

Celebrate the Small Things

13 thoughts on “Celebrate Sunshine and Stories!

  1. Now you see, I’d be celebrating the rain because sunshine is always in the forecast where I live these days. We should figure out how to share our bounty! Happy Friday.


    1. We’ve actually had a really dry winter here… with record low snow-packs, so I celebrate the rain too! Hate the idea of drought conditions and do love the greenness that comes with all the rain we normally get. But, the sunshine is kinda awesome too. Having spent so much of my life out here in the Pacific-Northwest, I learned at an early age to enjoy the sunshine when we get it!


  2. I’m totally celebrating the sunshine today too! Yesterday we had an awful sandstorm. No fun. Here’s hoping for a good-weather week. 🙂


  3. I read your guest post on Pam’s blog – you shared one of my favorite books. I spend much of my time on the California coast (went to college and lived many years in Santa Barbara where I was a children’s librarian.) Did you know that the Indian woman from San Nicholas Island is buried at the Santa Barbara Mission? I agree with you that this book is wonderful for both children and adults.
    P.S. We would love some of your rain


    1. In the research I did after reading it I’d seen that she was buried there! Would be interesting to visit some time.
      I wish we could send you guys some of our rain! We’re facing drought possibilities, but nothing like CA! What we really need is the ability to import some of New England snow…


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