#WeekendCoffeeShare: Preparing

Weekend Coffee Share is a time for us to take a break out of our lives and enjoy some time catching up with friends (old and new)!

Grab a cup of coffee and share with us!  What’s been going on in your life? What are your weekend plans?  Is there a topic you’ve just been ruminating on that you want to talk about?

Join us for some coffee time!

Click here to add your link to the party!

Last weekend was fun, but exhausting. Seems to be a pattern for me, really, at this point. Volunteering at the Library Book and Media Sale was fun, though I didn’t succeed in my plan to not buy any books for myself (surprise surprise). Most of the books I purchased, though, are for Halloween – I plan to give out books along with candy that day!

After volunteering I went out to grab a quick bite with my mom and then we went to see Clue, the Musical. I really enjoyed it. One of the neat things about this particular musical is that there is an audience participation element, just like in the board game, three cards are drawn at the beginning of the show and throughout the show we were given clues to help us figure out who the murderer was. The clues given change depending on the outcome, of course, and there are apparently a few lines here and there which are changed depending on which clues are selected. The audience gets a sheet in their program to play along on.

I was able to figure out both the room (the Billiard Room) and the weapon (the Lead Pipe). I got the killer narrowed down to two possibilities (Colonel Mustard or Mrs. Peacock) but missed the clue that would have helped me narrow it down to one of them. Mom got the person (turns out Colonel Mustard did it!), the weapon, but not the room.

Sunday was my normal routine – Game with friends, Library volunteering, then home to decompress a bit before bed.

This weekend I cleared my schedule a little to try and give myself some time for some work that needs to get done. My Sunday schedule stays pretty much the same, but Saturday I am going to try getting things done. I may take a little time out to hit up another Library Book Sale (because another local library is having one this weekend… I love having SO MANY libraries in my area!) with a friend and them maybe do some crafting-time with her. Because one of the things on my “to-do” list for the weekend is make progress on the sewing I’m doing for the Oregon Regency Society Winter Retreat! I haven’t really done anything with this group before, but am super-excited about the Winter Retreat, which is a bit of a birthday/Christmas present for me. I’m making myself a whole wardrobe! Largely using fabric I already have (though I did break down and order some so that I would have enough fabric of the same color to make a full dress, since I’ve never made ANY dresses before). I made a chemise (though I’ll be making another one following some new directions I found from Costuming Diary.


I’m in the middle of making Stays (like a corset only… less restricting), which has involved figuring out how to work with reeds and hand-sewing eyelets for the lacing. My goal this weekend is to complete the stays so that I have my undergarments ready for when the fabric I ordered arrives so I can make my first dress!

In the sewing realm, I also need to get moving on the Christmas Stocking I’m making for my youngest niece – handmade Christmas Stockings are a bit of a tradition in my family, and I made one for my older niece, so was thrilled when my sister asked if I could make one for the younger one as well!

I need to take some time to warp up threads for my loom. I have a few projects that I need to get moving on, including a few Christmas presents, but I also have decided to take part in a Weave-Along by Yarnworker, which will help me learn a few different methods of weaving on my loom, so I need to make sure I have my yarns and loom all ready for that. I know that I can get the warp-threads ready without actually loading them onto the loom yet, so I’m going to try that for a few of the presents that I’m hoping to make. It’s all a learning process for me – wish me luck!!

What are you up to this weekend?

18 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: Preparing

  1. It’s a road trip weekend for me – driving from LA to Seattle, spending time with family, then a drive back…road trips are a nice change of pace from the lines at the airport…just have to give myself more time to enjoy the scenery!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a fun drive! Are we talking the 101? It is one of my favorite drives in the whole world, I don’t know how many times I’ve driven it now. Inland is great too, I bet there is a gazillion road stands with fresh produce along that way right now. Enjoy!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The weaving sounds so much fun! Wonderful! Best wishes for your Halloween activities! I think the books should be a great treat for the kids. Looking forward to learning how that turns out. I believe that we are going to skip the Halloween trick-or-treat activities, this year. Because of the weather forecast and the dearth of children coming to our door, last year. More and more, community and church activities have taken the place of neighborhood visitors.


    1. We’ve had a marked drop in trick-or-treater’s over the years too, which is why I decided we could do books this year. We get one or two small groups usually (thanks to having some kids in our cul-de-sac who know us!), but most of the kids do seem to go to community and church activities instead (the weather here is rarely nice for Halloween).

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  3. Sounds like you had a great week! Awesome sewing. I pulled out my chemise, linen skirt and over-apron today as I was going to go out to the salt fest. Decided it was too cold, and I don’t have proper time-period winter clothing, so opted just to go as public…but plans change. When I sew, I do it by hand at 10-12 stitches an inch.. very tiny. How many do you do?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m just starting out on the sewing (aside from the basic skirt here and there), and am mostly doing things on the machine to start, my hand-stitches leave MUCH to be desired still, uneven, crooked, and far too big – I know I’ll get better as I go though!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cool! I learned by hand as I had no machine growing up. Even now, my machine has only been used once since I got it last year, and even that once I got so annoyed with it that I put it back in the box. I may even donate it to charity in the end.


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