If We Were Having Coffee – What a week!

If we were having coffee I would probably look a bit worn down.  It was a very stressful week at work.  Finals Week always is busy, but this time we were understaffed and saw record-breaking levels of students.  It made for non-stop work, and I pretty much came home from work and went right to bed every night.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I’m really excited about how my plans for the A to Z challenge are coming together — my big theme-reveal will be coming out on Monday and I’m excited about that.  I’ve been doing some real plotting and planning, and am super-excited about how things are coming together.

If we were having coffee I’d admit that I’m feeling a bit behind on my writing.  This week of not even writing during my lunch-breaks really threw me off my game — I’m glad I decided not to write during those breaks I needed the time to read and relax completely.

I did do a little writing one morning while I was waiting for the bus (which may well take the prize for the most unusual place I’ve written, standing on the sidewalk before 7am the sun not even completely risen, scribbling in a notebook before the bus arrives.  It was completely unrelated to any of the other writing projects I have going on right now, so I just wrote the scene that had come to my mind and a few points about the story so that when I do get back to it I will hopefully still remember what I was thinking for it.

I feel like there was something more I wanted to share today, but my brain is a fuzzy-mess and I’m having trouble remembering just what it was.  So, if we were having coffee, I would  settle back with my mocha (it feels like a mocha day), and ask how your week has been.

Today’s post is a part of the Weekend Coffee Share, graciously hosted by Part Time Monster every weekend! A time for us to come together, share a cup of coffee (or our beverage of choice) to share some of what is going on in our lives.  It’s a lovely check-in time.

5 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee – What a week!

  1. I’m happy you scheduled some downtime to relax this week. Sometimes it’s just as important as actively writing 🙂 I’m also doing A to Z which keeps me quite busy. Good luck in all your endeavors for this upcoming week 🙂


    1. I ended up spending most of yesterday cleaning and organizing my living space (it’s not QUITE done yet, but nearly there… fitting those things I could part with that used to happily inhabit a decent sized two bedroom apartment into a small studio space is not a simple task!)
      Writing today, so much to do to prep for A to Z!

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