Celebrate the Small Things! (#17)

Hosted by Lexa Cain, L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge, and Katie of The Cyborg Mom, Celebrate the Small Things is a time when we all take a moment to celebrate something good from our week.  It can be small, it can be big, just something to look back on the week and celebrate!

Celebrate the Small Things
Join the Celebration! Sign up on the Linky-list and visit some other bloggers who are Celebrating the Small Things!


I love participating in this Blog-Hop, some weeks it can be a stretch to think of anything to celebrate, but just that act of trying to think of something helps me to review the week with a more positive filter.

This week I am celebrating the end of (what I think was) another successful blog-story.  Taliana returned, after throwing the Masque this winter, and hosted an Unbirthday Party (this time with the help of her parents).  It was great to have some repeat contributors to the story, and awesome to have some new ones participate as well.

I’m excited by the fact that these party’s have gone well enough that I am feeling like turning it into a “quarterly” thing.  I’ll get more organized soon (like, with sign-up lists or something) but here’s the general idea.  Taliana will be my ongoing host for blog-party’s, and there will be one around April Fools Day (because what better time to throw a blog-hopping party?) as well as some time in the summer (maybe in July).  The Masque will happen again this year, and then the cycle continues.  Hopefully I can start getting more people participating, and start collaborating a bit more with some people.

I’m also celebrating that I had a great Birthday Weekend last weekend.  Lots of my friends found time to get together with me to go out and I got some good time with my Mom, and with my Dad and Step-Mom. Most of my friends/family don’t really exchange presents anymore, instead they do things like treating to meals, and drinks, and video-game-arcades 🙂  but I did get two books — a copy of Murakami’s “The Strange Library,”  and “Your First Novel” but Ann Rittenberg and Laura Whitcomb.  I’ve already read “The Strange Library” and am looking forward to working through “Your First Novel.”

In book related news, I’m celebrating for a friend!  Her memoir, Winning the Losing Battle, just became available on Amazon. Right now it’s just the paperback, but she’ll have an e-book version coming out soon.  It’s been a long process for her to write and put out this book, and I’m looking forward to having the chance to interview her on this blog some time later this spring (probably around when the e-book version comes out.

17 thoughts on “Celebrate the Small Things! (#17)

    1. Thanks! And thanks for visiting the book site — I can vouch that it’s a good book (I did some edit-reading for her). My one qualm is that is has “of weight-loss” in the title, because it is about so much more than that. It really is a story of transformation in general.


  1. Glad to hear you had a fun birthday and that your unbirthday party went well! I caught snatches of Taliana’s story during the week. As soon as I have a few minutes, I want to read the whole thing at once. It sounds like your friend went through an amazing struggle. Best of luck to her with her book release!


  2. I’m happy to hear you had a great birthday! Your blog-hop event sounds like a wonderful project to do on a quarterly basis. Congrats to your friend on her book release. Have a great weekend! 🙂


    1. Thanks! I really enjoy doing the blog-party so think it will be great to have to look forward to every few months! And hopefully I can get more and more people to participate that way (you know, the ability to plan ahead and all).


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