Insecure Writer’s Support Group: Finding Time

It’s that time again, Insecure Writer’s Support Group Post Day!   And, just like before, I’m finding the prompt question to fit quite well with what I am thinking about just now.

How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

Here’s the honest answer… I don’t. Not really.

I used to, but there have been times that I was being able to balance writing and work, but lately that’s been even more challenging to do. I’ve added more to my plate, but I think I’ve also run into the wall of being at the less-fun parts of the work.  Editing and rewriting, fixing the major problems that exist in the first draft… it’s not as fun as the adventure of discovery that comes with writing a story.

But I want to make the time for the writing – I miss it, and I do want to have it be a part of my life (and my life is so much better when I am writing).  I’ve just allowed myself to get bogged down by the ever-growing to-do list and felt so overwhelmed that I shut down and couldn’t do anything. Its just like I didn’t know where to get started anymore.

But the only way to really push past that is to… well… push past it.  Starting today I am really going to be dedicated to getting writing done.  Not every day of the week – but I will set aside half an hour, at lunch some days, after work some days – to really write or edit. Today it’s rewriting, half an hour, after work.

What writing promises are you making yourself?  September has always seemed like something of a “new years” for me – after years on the academic calendar, the start of the academic new year is just as good a place for me to make fresh starts as any time!

This is my monthly post as part of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, a great group of supportive writers, helping one another through our writing ups-and-downs.
There is also a great Facebook Community for more daily connection!  More posts from the group are tagged on Twitter at #IWSG.


One thought on “Insecure Writer’s Support Group: Finding Time

  1. I’d have to say amen to that! It is really hard to find the time, and it’s easy to let writing go when there are more pressing things on the to-do list. But I’m like you, I’m happier writing, so I need to carve out time for it. I mean, it’s a whole lot cheaper than a shoe shopping addiction!


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