Insecure Writers Support Group: When Life Falls Apart

I was totally going to participate in NaNo this year… technically I am participating — but I have a feeling that the month may have other plans in mind for me.

Yet again, it’s a reminder that I need to go with the flow. The editing I had been working on ground to a halt this summer — honestly I think I burned myself out a bit.  I ended up putting it on the shelf for a while, and I’ll get back to it in my own time. When I’m refreshed and able to approach it with the care and attention it deserves.
I’ve been trying to remind myself of this need to let things happen in their own time.

My NaNo attempts have been hijacked by health issues that aren’t letting me put my focus on the story just now. I still could manage to get 50k words – the month is young and I’ve been known to be able to pound out a lot of (decent) work in a short period of time. It could still happen.

But I need to focus on what needs my attention in the moment. Need to not allow myself to fall into doubt of if I can do this work just because a few days go by where no words are able to come.  Just because things aren’t going as I planned (in the story or in life) it doesn’t mean I’m on the wrong track — it just means that things are taking a different path than expected.  And I need to just learn to roll with it.

So for all the other writers out there, that might be struggling with your work, whatever stage you’re in — you can do it.  Hold onto whatever that seed of inspiration is, that little thing that prompted you to start writing in the first place.  Hold onto that, shelter its light, and then find whatever fuel it may need to let it shine.

This is my monthly post as part of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, a IWSG badgegreat group of supportive writers, helping one another through our writing ups-and-downs.
There is also a great Facebook Community for more daily connection!  More posts from the group are tagged on Twitter at #IWSG. 

We also put out a book, available for free, with great articles on topics from writing to publishing, everything in-between and beyond

14 thoughts on “Insecure Writers Support Group: When Life Falls Apart

  1. You know yourself and your limits–that’s noteworthy! I jumped on the Nano bandwagon because I love it. At the end of day 3 I limped in with just under 1k words total, so I’m already behind. Nov. 1 I wrote 5k to finish a different manuscript, and I’m realizing my brain just could not switch gears that fast to immediately craft a new one. I’m still forging ahead, but it helps to know I need some cooling off time between manuscripts.


  2. You have a lot on your plate right now. Taking care of yourself has to be your first priority. Everything else will fall into place when the time is right.

    Best wishes,
    Diane IWSG #92


  3. I had something come up this week that had me wondering if I would be able to even just do the daiily blog challenge, but I am trying to hold on as long as I can. it maybe the only semblance of sanity I’ll have for a while.


  4. You need to take care of yourself first!
    I’m struggling to keep up with the daily word count for NaNo myself. It’s my first attempt at it. Every year, I think of some reason not to participate. This year, I made it a priority. So far, so much fun. As soon as it’s not enjoyable anymore, I know I need to take a break. So, even if I don’t finish, I’ve gotten farther than any year in the past, and I’m proud of myself for that!


  5. I know how you feel. I’m still sick. It is only with cold medicine that I can function and then I end up sleeping. I’m slightly behind on my NaNo project. I just can’t afford to get too far behind because I will get discouraged and not finish.

    I hope we are both able to deal with the current struggles and get back on track soon.


  6. Sorry to read that health issues have resulted in lack of focus…
    “Things not going as planned just means that things are taking a different path than expected”… that’s a positive way of looking at it! Love your attitude! 😀
    Happy IWSG Day!


  7. Take care of yourself and do what you need to do to feel better. You have a great attitude about finding the boundaries of how much to push and how much to let life (and the story) flow. Good luck with it all. I know you can do it, even if you don’t get to 50k words.


  8. Sometimes we have to take breaks whether we want to or not. I know how life grinds to a halt when health issues crop up. All my plans go right out the door. The most important thing is getting yourself healthy again. Hang in there and don’t lose that inspiration!


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