Celebrate family!


Today is Celebrate the Small Things Friday.  Hosted by Lexa Cain, L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge, and Tonja Drecker of Kidbits, Celebrate the Small Things is a time when we all take a moment to celebrate something good from our week.  It can be small, it can be big, just something to look back on the week and celebrate!

I’m up and on my way to work super early today fo what is going to be a long (and potentially challenging) work day. What better time than during the commute to take a moment for celebrate good things from the week?

The big celebration is the completion of my first round of revisions! Making my way through the manuscript again now figuring out some structural issues that made themselves clear in the first round, and making note of places where I want to do more re-writing (the rewrites won’t happen until after the structural, and after my first round of readers get a chance with it).

Printed out a copy for this round of editing!

Another big celebration is that one of my cousins, and her three kids, are visiting from the other side of the country. It’s great to see them (and to meet her youngest who isn’t even a year old yet!) This weekend I’ll be getting to spend a lot of time with them showing them around the city.

Since I’ve had to work I haven’t gotten the chance to spend much time with them yet, but we did get in a round of “is this the gross flavor?” Bean-Boozled is an interesting game.


Finally I celebrate the launch of another blog-hop-story I’m hoping to tie up Taliana’s story this round, and hope some others will participate!

What do you celebrate today?

3 thoughts on “Celebrate family!

    1. It is really great to get to see family. The whole time I was growing up my extended family lived 3,000 miles away, so we didn’t get to see each other very often. As we’ve all gotten older it’s been great to have the chance to visit one another more!


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