If We Were Having Coffee… Busy Times

Let's just imagine this reading nook is a bit bigger!
Let’s just imagine this reading nook is a bit bigger!

If we were having coffee I’d invite you to join me in the little coffee/reading nook I have.  It’s rainy out, after over a week of beautiful weather — the perfect day to settle back and rest in the warmth of a cozy corner.  The real corner is quite small — but we can pretend it big enough for us to settle in for a time for a short coffee chat.

How have you been doing this week?  Anything going on that you want to chat about? How is the weather?  Seriously, I’m intrigued by the way the weather is changing places — today is a more typical Oregon rainy day, but this week has been beautifully warm and sunny — which is so unusual.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that this past week was a bit of a challenge.  I don’t really want to get into the details of why, it was just the kind of week that called for some venting time with friends after work.  I was so happy to have friends who were willing to do just that.  One of the things I love about where I’m living now is that I have friends nearby who are able to get out with me sometimes — for coffee, or drinks, or those moments when you just need some deep-fried greasy food — to vent together, laugh, and commiserate.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you how excited I am about the blogging events coming up.  Taliana’s next adventure is already shaping up to be a lot of fun — I’m really enjoying the chance to do some collaborative writing with a few friends and some bloggers I’ve met this year and hoping that some new participants will join in the fun.

I’m also preparing for the A to Z Blogging Challenge.  I participated in one of the Tweet-Chats this week, and made some new great connections.  So now, I’m looking forward to my very-first guest posts — and to be hosting a guest poster on this site as well!  More about that all will be coming soon!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that this coming week is going to be a challenge for me.  I am already planning to step back a bit for social media, maybe only checking in on things during my commute. Finals week is the busiest time in my office, and it could be pretty hectic this term, so I’m anticipating needing to make sure that I am relaxing on my breaks and when I get home.  Including a lot of sleep so that I’m not tempted to over-caffeinate. Self-care and all that.

Now, on to writing.  This weekend I’m aiming to get a lot of work done on my different projects — though I am already getting a bit of a slow start…. Best get to it!  Hope you have a good/productive weekend!

Today’s post is a part of the Weekend Coffee Share, graciously hosted by Part Time Monster every weekend! A time for us to come together, share a cup of coffee (or our beverage of choice) to share some of what is going on in our lives.  It’s a lovely check-in time

16 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee… Busy Times

  1. i love your reading nook! Very cozy. Self care is definitely important so I’m glad you are taking that into consideration.

    I haven’t made it to any of the Twitter Chats for A to Z because they are right in the middle of my babysitting times so no chance I will get to any of them. I was hoping to but no way.

    Thanks for the coffee! See you next time!


    1. I am so happy to finally have a little nook like that! Now, to actually use it (so much of my at-home-reading ends up being in bed before, well, bed).
      I just barely got to hop into the twitter chat this week during my commute home from work – big chunks I missed because of getting on and off buses/trains, and going through tunnels. But the bits I got to were excellent! If you can make it to any part of them at some point I do recommend it (but, yeah, the timing is not so convenient for west-coast)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your little reading area.

    We’ve been having a lot of rain lately. So much so that I’ve considered getting some supplies for an arc. I’m a little over rain, cloudy days, and anything related to winter. I’m sitting here longing for spring.


    1. Thanks 🙂 Arc building is a fun thing to do — I’m a full endorser of it (most Northwest winters feel like they should lead to arc building… which is what makes this one so strange.) Spring is a mixed bag for me, for some reason it’s a season I struggle with so I’m just ready for a (mild) summer 🙂


  3. Lovely little reading nook! I’ve got a good, sunny space for one, but it’s gotten overwhelmed in all the work stuff and needs to be cleaned out and put to proper use. I’m a bit more inspired now. 🙂

    The weather here has been really gross—rainy and grey all week. It’s much better today though, thank goodness.


    1. I wish my corner had more sun… but I’m just happy to have a room with SOME light in it (my last one really did not).
      In the interest of fair disclosure… I removed a few piles of “these still need to be sorted and unpacked” before taking the picture 🙂

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      1. haha…I have a small room at the front of the house that’s got big windows on three sides, so it’s almost a small sun room. But it’s packed with things we don’t have anyplace else to put, mostly stuff from when I was in grad school.


        1. My entire living space is a small room, so I have a lot of free-floating stacks of things that still need to find homes. Still haven’t completed the downgrade of things from when I moved from a much larger space over a year ago.

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            1. Yeah.. it’s where I ended up getting rid of 1/4 of my books. And a bunch of other stuff. But I still have more stuff than space so… the cutting continues. I’m pretending that it’s part of a process of simplifying my life, but really I think I”m just starting to have more digital chaos and clutter instead…
              At least it’s more portable that way?

              Liked by 1 person

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