If We Were Having Coffee #28

If we were having coffee I’d invite you to join me outside the shop, at one of those tables with an umbrella.  Especially if you’re one of my friends from one of those places where the snow seems to be never-ending and the cold all-pervasive.  It isn’t exactly summer here, but it’s unseasonably warm, and there are definite patches of blue-sky.

I’d want to hear all about your week, how have things been going? Have you done or are you doing anything for Valentines day?  It’s never been a huge holiday for me, at least not in my adult life.

I’d planned to tell you some about my week, it was a kind of hellish week, but I’m at the point where I am able to laugh at some of it — simply because of the ridiculousness of it.  But instead my mind has been on a big change that’s happening.  It may sound silly, but…. today two trees are coming down in my front yard.  They are maple trees, that need to come down — their roots pull up the sidewalks, and the foundation, and I seem to recall other reasons being given as well.

They’re just trees.  And we have so many more trees… but these tree’s are special to me.  I learned to climb trees in these trees.  I climbed these trees to prove the point that I could do anything I wanted in a skirt (I’ve always loved wearing skirts).

They have always been there, and I have always loved them.  For years my window looked out on them.  There have been many important trees in my life, and these two…these were the first ones.  I know it’s silly to be so attached, but it is my reality.  So today I’m sort of saying goodbye, and it is hitting me harder than I had expected.  Have you ever had an experience like that?

My climbing tree.
This tree, and the one behind it, are coming out. This is the one I loved to climb. There was a branch that had to be removed ages ago which I could grab onto to pull myself up the V of the tree, and then make my way up a little higher, if I wanted.
Looking up through the branches


Part Time Monster hosts this Weekend Coffee Share every weekend.  Check out the Linky-List to find others participating (and please, join us! The more the merrier!)

7 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee #28

  1. Anytime we lose something that is special to us, we go into a kind of mourning. That’s what’s going on with you, I think. The loss of the trees signify an end to a part of your life or your past, a part you won’t get back now. I don’t think it’s silly at all. I hope you got to climb one last time before they came down.


    1. The tree removal is looking like it will take some time, since the brother who is doing it is sick. Which means I get a bit more time getting to look out at them, which is nice. Haven’t tried to climb them though — it’s been probably almost 2 decades since my last time up in them and I’m pretty sure it would be a bad idea… but I am making sure to spend some time appreciating them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes I understand the tree problem 😦
    I dread the day our maple needs to be taken out, and rather hope I won’t be around to see it. It’s a concern since we live in a wooded area. I’ve considered having a baby tree planted near it, but I’ve not moved past consideration at this point.
    I hope this week is a better one for you 🙂


    1. Thanks! It seems like a lot of people had really hard weeks, so I’m hoping we ALL see some improvement this week.
      The last tree we had to remove was a giant cottonwood — HUGE thing in the backyard that was a real danger (the damage if it had fallen… oh man…). I was sad to see it go (when it started to change colors you could see it from pretty far away — this giant golden egg among a sea of evergreens), but it had some element of excitement as well – as a giant crane had to be brought it and they had to remove it OVER THE HOUSE.
      These trees are apparently going to be replaced with some other smaller kind of tree, and bamboo. It should be nice, but it is hard to say goodbye to those things that have ALWAYS been there.


    1. I’m going to claim a small part of the tree for myself… just have to figure out how much and what I will do with it. We have tons of trees here, which is wonderful, but it doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye to these ones.


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