Anne of Green Gables, a new friend

I got through my first book for the Classics Club!

Anne of Green Gables

Ann on the Roof From the L.M.Montgomery Research Centre
Ann on the Roof
From the L.M.Montgomery Research Centre
by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Finished July 15, 2014.

This is one of those books that has been suggested to me repeatedly through my life, but never quite got around to reading it.  Now that I have read it,  and I enjoyed it.  I also definitely have some thoughts!

“Oh, you good old friends, I’m glad to see your honest faces once more — yes, even you, geometry.”

— Anne, upon seeing her books again after tucking them away for the summer.

Anne of Green Gables isn’t the kind of book that you devour; if I were to liken it to anything it would a leisurely stroll along a babbling brook.  I enjoyed getting to watch Anne grow through the story.  From a talkative storyteller, to a slightly more reflective one — honestly she reminds me of some of my friends and I imagine I’d enjoy wandering around Avonlea with her, renaming all the features of the landscape and letting our imaginations run wild.

 Perhaps it’s just because of where I am in my own life right now, but I found this story sprinkled with little bits and pieces of insight into religion, theology, reading and writing.   I kept coming across lines that brought smiles to my face, breaking out into wide grins during my daily bus commute. And my kindle-copy is sprinkled with highlights and two-word notes of things to revisit, let roll around in my mind, and perhaps expound on at a later date.

“[M]aples are such sociable trees… they’re always rustling and whispering to you.”

–Another Anne observation

Of course, I was also reading this as a writer.  Since I’ve been thinking about what makes a good plot, and different ways to lay out a story, I was reading with something of an eye to how the story was presented.  And Anne of Green Gables did not disappoint, at least as far as stepping out of what I’ve somehow come to expect from a book.  Anne meanders along, her story told in seemingly unconnected snippets of her life at Green Gables.  But, there are threads that weave through these snippets — it is a story of a girl, and of family.  With characters that are interesting, the promise that things would weave together, enough understanding of a larger arc, I am willing to meander on the journey.  More than willing, I enjoyed the trip.

As Anne recognized her old friends, those books that had been tucked away for the summer, I know that I have found a new friend in Anne and look forward to continuing to read her journey.

14 thoughts on “Anne of Green Gables, a new friend

    1. I am still kind of in shock that it took me THIS LONG to get to know her! Now I’m trying to think of all the books that were suggested to me through the years that I never quite got to.
      Also, librarians are the best, and children’s librarians are especially awesome! Yay you!


  1. I adore these books (there are more – you must at least read Anne of Avonlea) and have read them many times. I highly recommend the Megan Follows movies (well, the first two – the jury is still out on ‘The Continuing Story’). They’re very faithful. When I couldn’t sleep the night after my father died, I got up and watched Anne of Green Gables – it’s like a comforting blanket.


    1. I have the next two Anne books (it came in a kindle bundle!) So they are high on the list… and I will check out the movies πŸ™‚ The idea of having a comforting blanket-movie sounds wonderful!


  2. πŸ™‚ I love Anne of Green Gables. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. You should really read the rest of the series if you have a chance. πŸ™‚


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